‘Twas the night before Christmas, and engineers near and far, Had visions of Scherdel springs dancing like a shooting star. Not visions of sugarplums, but coils of metal bright, Delivering drugs with precision, a medical delight.
In workshops and labs, not fireplaces warm and grand, Springs were being stamped, shaped by a practiced hand. From flat strips of steel, to intricate forms they’d take, A symphony of bending, a coiling ballet’s awake.
Each spring a tiny marvel, a masterpiece of design, Engineered for purpose, in each delicate line. For drug delivery devices, these heroes in disguise, Pushing medication gently, a life-saving surprise.
Simulations whirred, data points a twinkling array, Optimizing performance, for a brighter, healthier day. Family and colleagues, a team with hearts alight, Driven by a mission, to make the future just right.
For patients in need, their care the ultimate prize, Scherdel springs a promise, in each tiny device. So raise a glass high, to the engineers bold and true, Whose springs bring hope and medicine, a Christmas wish come true.
May their coiling dreams continue, their innovations abound, Scherdel springs spreading joy, on silent, helping ground. For in their dedication, a love for mankind takes flight, A Christmas gift of engineering, a future ever so bright.